

I.1 Background indonesia is

one of the largest coal mining producing regions in the world. One of the largest mining producing areas in Indonesia is South Kalimantan. The growth of mines in South Kalimantan itself is accelerating as more and more new mining land is discovered.

But rapid growth is not offset by good management by irresponsible

parties. The lack of socialization about mine management well, caused many adverse impacts produced. Although it is not very felt now, but a few more years of the impact of wrong mine management can interfere with the stability of the ecosystem. The need for efforts made from now on to address the management of mines is wrong.

From socialization to real action. So it is hoped that the balance of nature will be maintained.

I.2 Research Goals 1.

Know the coal digging material

2. Know the impact of coal mine management, and

3. Know the solution to solve it.

I.3 Formulation of Problem 1.

What does coal dig mean?

2, 2014 in New What is the impact of coal mining on the environment?

3, 2014 in New What are some efforts that can reduce the impact of mining?



Understanding Coal Mining Material Coal

Mining Material is a digging material formed from the remains of plants trapped in sediment and can be used as baker material, This type of sediment is trapped and undergoes changes in organic material due to burial and diagenesa.

Coal was originally an organic material that accumulated in swamps called peat. Coal formation requires certain conditions and only occurs in certain eras throughout geological history. The carbon age about 340 million years ago (Jtl) was the most productive coal formation period.

2. Coal Forming Materials Almost all coal shapers come from plants, types of coal forming plants and their lifespan according to Diessel (1981) is as follows: a.

Algae -from prekambrium to ordovisium and single-celled - were very few coal deposits from this periodof Silofita, From the Silur period to central Devon, a derivative of algae. A small amount of coal deposits from this period.

b. Plirodefita, upper devon age to upper carbon. The forming plant is a plant without flowers and seeds and breeds with spores. c. C.

Gimnospermae, From the permian period to the middle chalk. Heterosexual plants, seeds wrapped in fruit, e.g. Pine.

d. Angiosspermae,from the upper cretaceous period to kii. Modern plant species, fruit covering seeds, males and females in one flower, are less gummy than gimnospermae so in general less preserved. 3, 2014 in New

Coal Class and Type

Based on its formation process controlled by pressure, heat, and time, generally coal is divided into five classes namely:

a. Anthract is the highest coal class, with a shimmering black color. (luster) metallic. Contains between 86 % – 98 % carbon element (C) with water content less than 8 %

b. Bituminus contains 68 – 86% carbon element (c) and water levels 8-10% of its weight.

c. C. Subbituminus contains little carbon and a lot of water. So it becomes a less efficient source of heat compared to bituminus.

d. Lignite or brown coal is a very soft coal that contains water 35 – 75% of its weight.

e. E. Peat,porous and has a water content above 75% and the lowest calorie value.

4. Coal Formation Process changes the remains of plants into peat until coal is referred to by the term coalification .

There are two processes that occur:

a. Diagenetic or biochemical stage that starts when the plant material is deposited, until lignite is formed. The main agents that play a role in this process of change are water content, oxidation levels, and biological disturbances that can lead to the process of decomposition and compaction of organic materials and forming peat. b. Malihan or geochemical stage,covering the process of change from lignite to biuminus, and finally anthractic.

5. Coal Resources in Indonesia The potential of coal resources in Indonesia is abundant, especially in kalimantan island and sumatra island.

Coal is the main fuel in addition to diesel fuel used in the industry. In terms of economy coal is much more efficient than solar with the following comparison: solar Rp. 0.74/kilocalory while coal Rp. 0.09/kilocalori. In terms of quantity, coal is the most important fossil energy reserve in Indonesia, the amount is very abundant, reaching tens of billions of tons. This amount is enough to cook the needs of electric energy for hundreds of years to come. Unfortunately Indonesia is unlikely to burn down coal and convert it into electricity because in addition to polluting the environment through CO2, SO2, Nox, and CxHx pollutants, this way is considered less efficient and lacks high added value.

6. Coal Gasification should not be burned directly, it will be more efficient if converted into synthetic oil and gas, or other petrochemical materials, which are of high economic value.

The way that is considered in this case is gasification or coal seamification. Coal Gasification is a process to convert solid coal into combustible gasses, after which the refining of these gases CO (carbon monoxide), CO2 (carbon dioxide), H (hydrogen), CH4 (methane), and N2 (nitrogen) can be used as fuel.

Only by using watergas or coal gas. Real gasification has the lowest level of solid sewage air emissions, and the lowest waste. 7, 2014 in New

Coal Cleanup

The way to clean coal from sulfur is to break down smaller hunk coal and wash it. In particular, chunks of coal were put in a large tank filled with water, so the coal would float to the surface when the sulfur impurities sank. 8, 2014 in New

Remove Nox from Coal

When nitrogen-containing air is heated as in a boller flame (3000°F – 1648°C), these nitrogen atoms break into nitrogen oxides sometimes referred to as Nox. Nox can also be formed from nitrogen atoms trapped in coal. The best way to reduce Nox is to avoid its original benukan, the way at the time of combustion, coal is more than the hottest burning hole air.

Under these conditions most oxygen is combined with fuel than with nitrogen. The combustion camputan is then sent into the second combustion chamber where there is a similar process over and over again until all the fuel is burned out. This concept is called Staged Combustion because coal is burned gradually.

II.2 THE IMPACT OF COAL MINING ON THE ENVIRONMENT As it is known, coal mining has also caused quite severe environmental damage, be it water, soil, air, and forests.

1. Coal mining water directly causes water pollution, i.e. from coal leaching waste in terms of separating coal from sulfur.

The washing waste pollutes the river water so that the color of the river water becomes murky, acidic, and causes the water to be superficial due to the coal washing deposits. Coal-washing waste after research contains substances that are very harmful to human health if the water is consumed. The waste contains sulfur (b), mercury (Hg), slaride acid (HCn), manganese (Mn), sulfuric acid (H2SO4), and lead (Pb). Hg and Pb are heavy metals that can cause skin diseases in humans such as skin cancer. 2, 2014 in Ne


only polluted water, the soil is also polluted due to coal mining, namely the large holes that are unlikely to be closed again which causes the onsan of water holes with a very high acid content. The water supply of chemicals such as Fe, Mn, SO4, Hg and Pb. Fe and Mn in large quantities is toxic to plants that result in plants not being able to develop properly. SO4 affects soil fertility rate and soil PH, due to soil pollution, the plants above it will die. 3, 2014 in New


Mining coal causes air pollution, this is due to burning coal. It produces nitrogen oxide gas that looks brown and also as pollution that forms acid rain and ground level ozone,which is another type of pollution that can make dirty air.

In addition, coal removal dust is also very dangerous for health, which can lead to the onset of respiratory tract infection disease (ISPA), and in the long run if the air continues to be inhaled will cause cancer, and the possibility of babies being born defective.

4. Coal mining forests can destroy people's sources of life because agricultural land, namely forests and land, has been liberated by the company.

This is due to the expansion of the mine so that it narrows the business land of the community, as a result of this expansion can also cause flooding because the forest in the upstream area that should be the area of aitr receding has been depleted. This is compounded by poor drainage and damage to downstream comrades such as swamp forests. 5, 2014 in New


Water pollution due to coal mining occurs during loading and unloading activities of coal hauling barges. In addition, pollution can also interfere with the life of mangrove and biota forests around the sea.

II.3 EFFORTS TO REDUCE MINING IMPACTS The efforts that can be made to reduce the impact of coal mining are as follows: 1.

The cessation of the use of public roads for coal transport activities must be the firmness of the local government to stop and crack down firmly on any illegal mining activities that have been mushrooming and deniping to the impact of environmental and social damage.

2, 2014 in New Not issuing new permits so as not to increase the clutter of coal mine natural resource management, currently the easiest and most likely thing to do is to not issue new permits again. Thus making it easier to monitor existing coal mining.

3, 2014 in New The total cessation of illegal coal mining, the government should stop illegal coal mining expressly without feathers and transparent.

4, 2014 in New Termination of business of the foundation and its cooperatives TNI – POLRI

5. Evaluate the licenses that have been granted, and conduct an environmental audit of all coal mining businesses.

6, 2014 in New Elevate quality standards of environmental management and commitment to environmental sustainability.

7, 2014 in New Institutionalization of conflicts to resolve people's disputes with mining companies in order to achieve solutions that satisfy various parties.

8, 2014 in New Develop a policy strategy for managing the mine's natural resources.

9, 2014 in New Each company is required to reclaim the mining traces and guarantee and ensure the results of the reclamation in accordance with the AMDAL. And the government should keep an eye on the reclamation process, so that it is absolutely certain that the reclamation process is going well and showing results.

10, 2014 in New Using high-tech mining tools to minimize environmental impact and reduce accident rates in coal mining.



III.1 CONCLUSION Coal is a digging material formed from the rest of the plant as fuel.

Coal forming materials are Algae, Silofita, Pteridofita, Gimnospermae, and Angiospermae. Class and Type of coal namely:

1. Anthracation

2. Bituminus

3. Sub bituminus

4. Lignite

5. Peat Coal

formation can occur in a diagnetic or biochemical and geochemical stage. Coal resources in Indonesia are very abundant such as in South Kalimantan which is sufficient for energy supply in the next few years. Coal Gasification is a process to convert solid coal into flammable coal gas.

Coal cleaning can be done by splitting them into small chunks and washed with water in a large tank. Removing Nox from coal can be done by staged Combustion.

The impact of coal mining is damage to the environment i.e. water, air, soil, forests and sea. Efforts to reduce the impact of mining can be attempted by the government and the company.

III.2 ADVICE For the government to optimize and socialize more about AMDAL, so that miners pay more attention to environmental impact than profit alone.

It is also hoped that the government will more forcefully crack down on miners who are proven to violate mining regulations so that miners, especially those companies, use environmentally friendly technology to minimize environmental impact and accident risk. It is hoped that with miners responsible for the reclamation of former mining land, so as not to interfere with the environmental balance.

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