
Istilah-Istilah di Pertambangan Batubara

Laboratory analysis analysis to
determine the content of ash, carbon, hydrogen, ogsigen and sulfur in coal with certain methods. The content is expressed in percent on an example base dried at a temperature of 105ºC in moisture and ash-free keadan. The antiklin
layer that forms two sides of the slope in the opposite direction (as if it has the opposite slope) is the same as the roof of the house.

The highest rated
hard coal anthracrate, black with high gloss, contains a high percentage of tethered carbon (fixed carbon) usually between 92% – 98% (in a dry base, mineral-free/DMMF).

Anthractic is difficult to burn and when burned it causes a short, smokeless blue flame. In terms of carbonization rates only graphite (excluding coal) is at a higher level. In Indonesia the only anthractic producing mines are Bukit Asam coal mine, Tanjung Enim, South Sumatra with very small tonase compared to sub-bitumen coal (steaming coal) as the main product. Indonesian anthract is marketed with general specifications; calorie value 7400Kcal/Kg – 8300Kcal/Kg (ADB) , total humidity 2%- 8% (ARB) , ash 6% – 20% ( ADB) and sulfur total 0.57% -1.79%. AQ symbol
of the size of the middle line (diameter) example of the drilling core and also the size of the drill hole is 27.0 mm and 48.0.

ARBstands for as-received base ( see as- received base) Ash fusibility size in degrees of temperaturefrom coal ash softened by means of carbon testing of coal samples (in laboratoroum by way and raw state.

fusion temperature softens
ash, which is the temperature when coal conto (usually shaped like a small cone) begins to change and, softening close to melting in laboratory burn tests.

As-received base abbreviated ARB or arb, which means conto which is analyzed according to the circumstances at the time of receipt in the laboratory.

As-sampled abbreviated AS or as, equal to as-rerceived.

The results of conto analysis when taken in the field include total moisture content.

Assesscritically and provide a firm assessment in terms of geology or economic potential, value, status, quality, quantity, potential use and other aspects of coal reserves and sources.

ASTMstands for American Society for Testing and Materials, an institution in the United States that tests conto materials and the results are widely recognized as the result of raw analysis.

Augur ( or Punch ) Mining A form of unmanned underground mining offers minimal capital costs and relatively short start periods.

Large Augers or remote control equipment drill mine in the coal layer of the road established on the surface exposure floor.

Bank Cubic Metres ( BCM )The volume of waste rock above and between the coal seam in open-pit mines is generally measured in bank cubic meters.

Briquettes of coal pieces produced by printing fine coal or coal dust with certain binding materials (e.g. synthetic adhesives or sugar cane with special processing).

The shape of the briquettes varies with a diameter of 2 cm – 3 cm. Breakers (Rotary) Raw

coal mined by open-pit mining method often descends on large rotary screens where large unwanted rocks mix with coal during the extraction process are eliminated before coal is shipped to the processing plant.

Bed coating or coal seam which is a large sediment found in geological formations.

Bed also means a layer of coal that is usually of low quality or dirty coal that is deliberately spread out and compacted on the surface (hardened soil or solid gravel layer) as a clean coal base. The term Bed also means coal seam as fuel in the fluidized bed combustion system. Bedding is the same as bed (see bed) or bed making activity.

But it can also mean storage or mixing of coal types or other digging materials in the form of thin coatings to obtain uniform quality later on when taken for sale.

Beds moisture Moisture content is tethered in the percentage of water or coal moisture in the layer or on the conto before the layer is mined Bench terrace excavation or level on open coal mines or other mines or in land transfer work.

It can also mean parts of the coal seam separated by the dirty layer, such as the shale layer or the part of the coal layer that has been peeled off, divided because of the addition process. Bench
samplescan be translated as patio conto or tier which means conto taken from parts and or coal layers separated from other parts of coal deposits bythin layering of rock (parting)

BENDS stands for both ends, a shipping term in which the manner and tools of loading and unloading the ship arethe same, located at the front and back of the ship's cargo hold.

Berm is
a kind of or patio wall that is formed naturally.

Deliberate slopes are made for landslides in open-pit mines or on other excavations. The term berm is often likened to a terrace or ramp made for the transport road of an open-pit mine. Berm can also mean a thin layer of coal that is left temporarily to be used as a work base for stripping the cover layer next to it. Bucket Wheel exavator
is often abbreviated with BWE which is a continuous digging tool whose input consists of a drive engine, a working tire retaining boom transporting digging materials, a series of buckets on the severing teromol and a tire and boom to throw the material backwards.

It was originally designed for massive mining of brown coal deposits in Germany. Currently BWE has a large capacity operated in Bukit Asam Coal Mine while small-quality ones are often used as coal stackers as well as coal loaders into barges or ships. Bulk sample
conto meruah, i.e. conto in large quantities taken systemically at certain intervals.

For coal, bulk sample is originally conto as much as one truck (cart) at certain intervals along the coal layer for analysis of size and dirt (ash). But this understanding is expanding. Coal mines in Indonesia can take more than 100,000 tons of coal as conto meruah mainly for fuel testing in pltu, including mining tests, transport tests, shipping tests and marketing tests. Conto meruah is often called initial production that is free to share results. Burnt
rocks burn which means shale or clay that clings tightly to coal and is very difficult to remove.

Cabincabin is the operator's room and machine control area.

Capesise terms
the size of coal haulage vessels and other materials measuring about 100 000 – 200 000 DWT.

It is so called because the ship is too large to pass through the Panama Canal so it must pass through the Cape of Good Hope (the Peninsula of Hope from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean and vice versa). Carbonaceous
carbonan rocks yakkni rocks that are rich in carbon.

It's the same with coaly.
Carbon-enrriched solids enriched carbon i.e. the result of coal heating up to several hundred degrees celsius is usually between 300º – 900º C. (carbonation process) in oxygen-free vessels.

Coke and char are included in the solids. CBM
stands for coal-bed methane which is methane gas that is formed and trapped in the coal seam.

This gas can be sucked and used as fuel. CBM is usually found in very deep layers of coal but gases at depths of less than 760 meters are considered economical to use. CCS
stands for carbon dioxide capture and sequestration, a technology to capture and isolate CO2 gas aimed at drastically reducing the emissions of these gases arising from coal burning.

CCS often called CC#S is one of the clean coal technologies. CCT
stands for clean coal technologies or cleaner coal tecnologies i.e. clean coal technology ( see clean coal technology ).

CF stands for cost and freight, the term coal or other cargo price including transportation/shipping costs.

CF is often written with C/F or C#F. Canopy canopy is the upper cover (umbrella) of the cab or workplace of the operator of heavy equipment that is generally heavy load resistant or falling rocks.

Canopy is a term used for roofing (restraint) hydraulic braces for full mechanical face hole operation in coal mines. A series of leaves from forest trees is also called a canopy. Clean (Product) CoalCoal that
has been processed in the plant with the aim to meet the product specifications of sales contracts and ready to be transported using carriages or other means of transportation.

Channel sample
conto taken from the coal layer by making an elongated torehan according to the thickness of coal or other excavation material deposits.

This conto is usually taken around the outcest. Before doing the drilling of wells or elongated trenches is made to open one side of fresh coal. Solid carbonan resisidu char left over from imperfect combustion of organic matter.

Char can be burned (as fuel) and processed to produce fresh carbon material. CHB
stands for constant humidity base., a term that states the basis of coal quality analysis in the laboratory in a state of permanent moisture.

Chip sample
conto pieces, namely coal conto-conto taken regularly by sculpting or hammering coal chips or coal chips or rocks or other mining materials.

Conto retrieval can follow coal coating or at points of the same distance. CIF stands
for carriage, insurance and freight, the term of a coal or other cargo sale contract in which the seller hands the cargo to the place specified by the buyer at the cost of the buyer includinginsurance.

Circular coalcoal with disc-shaped disc structure is round or oval aligned or upright.

Clean-coal technology ismore efficient and cost efficient and environmentally friendly ( clean coal technology ).

This term is also referred to as coal technology cleaner or coal tecnologies cleaner.
Clearingsoil surface cleaning by disposing of plants or buildings as a starting step before stripping the cover layer of coal or other excavation materials.

Clearing and
grubbing the disposal of plants, trees and the remains offelled trees before excavation/stripping of soil for road building, mining or the establishment of mining facilities.

Stocky cleats
are cracks or a series of movement results that are the line or side of the breakdown of coal due to oxidation or weathering.

Usually utilized to determine the direction of coal mining so that it is easy to solve or dig directly by loading tools. Cleating
another term for a stocky state is the fractured state of coal or the visible line of parts that have not escaped.

COAstands for contrac of affreightment which is a shipping contract for more than one cruise.

Coalifiedthe remains of coal-forming plants and the different layers that have become coal, these materials come from various parts of the vegetation that existed at the time of peat

formation. After the process of coal formation is completed ( coalified ) the materials are then known by the name of macaral. Coal
industryis a general term for all activities related to coal ranging from investigation ( exploration), mining, processing, transportation, marketing and utilization.

Coalingcoal retrieval activities (after the cover layer is removed) include drilling, blasting, loading, transporting from mine to the place of stacking or processing.

Coaling station
station or bqatubara filling depot, especially steam train.

Now coaling station is only in amusement park or museum. Coal inspectors
are inspectors whose job it is to supervise the compliance of specific legislation on coal mines, including unsafe measures and circumstances.

This particular officer is not yet known in Indonesia, but the inspection duties are carried out by the mine inspection implementer (general) and the assistant implementation of mine inspection ( general). General mines are non-oil and gas mines. Coal
isopachisopach coal is a line that connects the dots that have the same thickness of coal layer.

Coal losta fraction of the coal that flew in the coal washing process.

Coal measures of coal coating that contain one or more layers of coal. can also mean a group of coal layers or a series of coatings of various types of sedimentary rocks up to several thousand meters thick and between thecoatings of the rocks there are one or more layers of coal.

Coal ply part of the coal layer that is separated from the other part above or below it due to the absence of rock layer ( parting or band).

Coal seatsare clay under the coal seam; it also means a layer of soil containing a lot of plant roots under the coal seam.

Coal series
series are a sequence of several stages of the coal formation process with higher ratings due to the rise of metamorphosis.

It can also mean the sequence of coal from peat (which is not coal) to lignite, bitumen coal, anthracite and graphite (which is not coal but pure carbon). Coal smut coal
layer is crushed due to weathering and oxidation because it appears near the surface, so it is the same as coal blossom and coal outing.

Coaly shale
dirty coal with ash content of more than 40% - 50% mainly with shale oil so it is actually shale containing coal ( shale arangan ).

Coaly shale is the same as carbonaceous shale. Columnar coal
coal that has fractions or ( crushed) in the form of columns that are usually due to metamorphosis, due to the intrusion of frozen rocks.

COMstands for Coal Oil Mixture, which is a mixture between coal that is in fine grunt with oil with a certain mixture composition forming a stable " artificial " fuel and used as a substitute for oil.

size or assessment of the speed of burning coal in certain ways and conditions.

Common banded coal
types are lasim of coal bitumen or half bitumen (sub-bituminous).

Consisting of irregular and interchangeable coating sequences of highly shiny black homogeneous materials, less shiny black gray material (silk gloss) and layers ( lens-shaped) thin soft mineral charcoal grains such as flour and fibrous. Compressions
of film-shaped plant fossils (very thin layers) of carbon in rocks, often preserving materials in great detail such as leafhairs, veins/leaf bones and even stomata foliage.

Continuityis "continuous," a term used to indicate the consistent spread of coal over long distances.

miners modern coal cutting machines especially for deep coal mines with room and pillar systems, these machines are able to cut coal quickly and continuously without the use of explosives.

The cutting head of the machine varies according to the direction, thickness, hardness and desired production level (ripper head, boring head and auger head). Continous mining
continuous mining using modern coal cuttingmachine ( continous miner) equipped with collecting hands and chain tires that transport coal and spill its cargo into the shuttle car ( shuttle car ) or on to the conveyor belt to be brought to the surface.

Continous continuous samplingpercontoan ( continuous ), i.e. conto retrieval of each consecutive titk-point and at the same distance along the processing and loading of coal into the carriage or on board.

Declining"decline" is a term used in coal fields whose mining activities are declining.

Depormation temperature temperature changes in shape i.e. the temperature when coal ash (formed/printed in the shape of a cube or small pyramid) begins to round due to lubrication.

This is seen in experiments to determine the temperature of coal ash melting which is one of the measures of coal quality assessment used in pltu. This laboratory experiment was conducted in a special kitchen with a temperature from 1000ºC – 1600ºC.

Demurrage of fines or compensation paid to ship owners due to delays in loading or unloading cargo.

Despatch: a kind of bonus paid by the buyer to the seller and cargo loader because the loading time of the ship is completed early.

Development generally means the opening of coal mines (especially) deep mines with the excavation of wells, main holes, warinan pits and preparatory holes of productionblocks.specifically (e.g. mined in) development means the preparation work of panels / production blocks.

Development drillingdrilling to determine the size of the content and geological disturbances of coal deposits or other digging materials.

Development plan
development plan, namely pictures and captions showing the proposed plans/proposed for mine jobs.

Such plans are usually reviewed/amended according to the mine's future progress. Development
samplingtakes conto-conto along the preparatory holes to better ensure the direction and shape of mining and in particular to reassure large and reserve forms.

Development work
mining/construction work is carried out to open sediment of excavation materials in preparation for the site of the following production activities from the ongoing production work surface at the same mine or from different places.

It also means production preparation work as a continuation of exploration. Devolatilization
of rapid loss of flying substances from compounds that are undergoing changes to coalification.

If the term is used for coal it means the loss of flying materials (into gases) resulting in an increase in carbon content. This process is a metamorphosis that causes coal ratings to increase in line with the rate of loss of flying substances. Dewatering the
flow of mines or the production of water from the mine either open-pit maupan deep mine by means ofchannel/trench manufacturing to exit the mine and pumping.

Dewatering coal drying
coal resulting from washing and filtering vibrations and or centrifuges.

It also means drying coal slurry after carriage with a coal slurry pipe line with filter tools and special heating equipment. Dewatering for coal slurry costs a considerable amount so that it is a facet that needs to be carefully considered before construction of the slurry coal pipeline project. Dip meter : a tool to measure and record the number and direction of the slope of the layer contained inside/side of the borehole (see slope/dip).

of non-sustainability is natural/geological disturbances that break the unity of the spread of a layer of rock, especially interference in coal layers e.g. sesar, intrusion of frozen rocks or sediment, washout and so dryers dryers usually insuated by natural gas or coal generally components of coking coal processing plants.

It is used to eliminate the moisture content of coal products before loading into the train unit for delivery from the sea terminal.

Elevation of thetiggian of a measurement point on the mapping or on the map from the point, or Emlacement: the disposal of coal washer waste with planned to prevent environmental pollution.

End cleat strips or cracks/hemispheres in the coal seam.

Enviro coal
coal introduced with "environmental coal quality name/ cap" is coal with very low sulfur content so that in combustion for pltu, does not emit or slightly emit harmful/toxic sulphur gases such as SO (sulfur oxide).

Enviro coal was introduced and mined by Adaro I ndonesia in paringin field and surrounding, south Kalimantan. Paringin coal and cover coal are included in enviro coal (see Paringin coal). Environmental impact of
environmental impacts i.e. the results or consequences of certain activities or processes.

It can be interpreted as environmental change, which is beneficial (positive) or detrimental (negative).

Environtmental-impact ststement
is often called and abbreviated as EIS.

A statement (written) on environmental impacts that contains an assessment and investigation of the impacts that may arise from a project that could affect the human environment (see AMDAL).

Equilibrium moisture of coalis equal to coal-balanced moisture (see coal-balanced moisture).

Estimationdetermination (approximate) of coal tonase in a field.

ETAstands for estimated time of arrival, i.e. estimated time of arrival (for ships).

ETD stands for estimated time of departure, i.e. estimated departure time (for ships).

ETR standsfor estimated time of resdiness, i.e. estimated load-ready time (for ships).

Explosive explosives are chemical compounds, mixtures or equipment whose main use is to cause detonation i.e. chemical hospitals that cause the release of large amounts of gas and suddenly accompanied by heat or fire.

See explosives sensitive detonators, primary sensitive explosives and so on.

Exposed to coal deposits means an outced of coal that sticks out/opens up the surface or outced along the edge of a coal

basin. Exposed coal field is coal that has been peeled on the mining slope ready for extraction.

Extractionextraction is the process of extracting coal from sediment.

Extraneous material of foreign origin/ foreign material.

Usually coal ash ( extraneous ash) occurs from inorganic materials that enter into coal when the process of coal formation takes place. This material in the form of granules or foreign materials that fill fractures / cracks in the coal layer consists of clay materials and sand when the formation of coal. Face the working surface of the coal mine where coal is being produced.

It can also mean an upright surface of rock formed by blasting or a wall being worked on (coal panel surface) when used as the term opening hole of a deep coal mine (see also front).

Face cleat cleavage or stocky with excellent field shape (obviously) on thecoal layer. also means the arrangement (system) of hemispheres and stocky on the coal layer.

running chain mounted in front of theworking surface of coal production to accommodate and transport coal that has been removed /destroyed in the process of coal extraction manually (with crowbar), semi mechanical (with explosive) and mechanical secra (with shearer) in the opening hole of the deep coal mine.

Face of coalwork surface/coal extraction front.

Fallsareas on hole roofs or coal roofs that collapse more than 15 cm above normal surfaces.

Fermented bitumen
fermentation of plant material in a state of airless at high humidity.

Restrained flying substances lead to the formation of bitumen compounds such as peat and coal.

FHP stands for flash hydropylisis, which is one of the process of processing coal into liquid fuel.

In this process coal is heated rapidly at high temperatures under hydrogen pressure. This process produces synthetic natural gas, aromatic distillates (especially benzene, toluene and xylena abbreviated btx), fuel oil, sulphur ammonia and char.

FIFOstands for first in first out, the way used for the storage and production of explosives into or out of storage warehouses for safety and security which means the material that first enters the warehouse will be the first to be used.

Fill bench
slope urug, which is part of the slope formed by the waste of soil peeling urug soil on the original (natural) slope.

This is the case among other open-pit contour mining systems.

Finecoal fines in the form of small granules measuring -2 mm (smaller than 2 mm).

"finger coal", a natural coke formed as a small six square bar (hexagonal) that occurs due to the influence of frozen rock intrusion.

Fire dampcoal mine gas that can explode mainly consists of methane.

Fire damp drainage system production of gas fire damp from mine pits, for example by making drill holes from the plant penetrate the place where the fire damp collects to prevent mine blasting.

generation proces
first generation processes are coal processing process into gas withcooperative advanced technology such as winkler process, shell koppers process, texaco process and lurgi process "Ruhr 100".

Fishtail structure structure
"fish tail", which is the end of coal deposits in the form of a cloth tip or shaped like a fish tail.

This form occurs due to the sediment deposits of classical sediment that break through peat deposits parallel to the peat layer. Fixed ash
ash is a coal ash derived from inorganic material that is structurally part of the coal origin plant.

Mechanically the built-in ash cannot be separated from coal and usually amounts to no more than 1%.

Flame proofwalls made of concrete, sack arrangement or fire retardant clay to withstand fire resistance in the event of an underground coal mine fire.

Flammable coal dust fine
coal dust that can burn spontaneously or burn due to the absence of fire or short circuit of electric current.

The dust occurs due to the production, transport and grinding process. Fexible chain conveyor
chain running that can be bent.

This term is often likened to face conveyor or armoured face conveyor or armoured flexible face confeyor. Float and sink
experiments to separate granules and impurities using heavy liquids, (high-weight liquids) such as tetrabromoetana (BD 1.6) and toluene (BD 0.86).

In each experiment the submerged and floating fractions were taken and weighed to further be recorded in the washability curves. The results of the experiment will show the percentage of heavy materials such as ash and sulfur pyrite. Experiments are used as the basis for determining coal leaching systems.

Float coal"floating coal", which is a separate coal in sandstone or shale that is thought to come from the eroded peat layer and carried from its place of origin to another place.

Floor roll
layer or disruptor material on coal layer. floor roll consists of long and narrow rock material (small) protruding upwards through the coal layer of floor rock thus reducing the thickness of coal that can be mined.

These disruptor rocks can be 3m x 25m x 600m, in the shape of flat to lens-shaped cones.

Flue gas desulfurizationof the use of sulfur oxide gas catchers on pltu chimneys to reduce air pollution.

bed combustioncombustion system of coal fluidized bed in boiler (see fluidized bed).

Fly ash
ash flies, i.e. very fine granules that are released due to coal burning, carried in the flow of gas, especially those that come out through the gas chimney or smog of the power plant.

It can also mean fine grains of coal ash that have softened or melted due to combustion in the power plant. The transverse
rod fly bar at both ends is connected to the drive chain on the running chain of the coal carrier mounted along the coal production front of the mine in or on the surface of the coal buildup.

The rod serves as a coal driver.

Fly rock"flying rock" due to blasting of the cover layer on open mines or on blasting other rocks including on quarry.

FOBstands for free on board, a term in a trade contract where the price of coal or other types of cargo is the price on a barge or ship excluding shipping, transfer and insurance costs.

FOBT stands for free on board trimmed, a term in a trade contract where the price of coal or other types of cargo is the price on a barge or ship excluding shipping, transfer and insurance costs.

The foot wall"bottom wall" or the lower field wall of the field is tilted opposite to the hanging wall.

The formationof a group of rocks that have certain features that are given a special name as unt for mapping purposes, explanations or for reference materials.

Stratigraphicunit coal formations contain coal in coal deposition areas.

Foulingof the properties of heat sealing materials (which interferes) in boiler pipes due to the burning of sulphur and high ash coal.

Free ash ash is free ash, i.e. grains of shale from the dirty layer in the coal layer and alsofrom roof rocks, floor rocks, pyrite veins, mineral oiling on the coal separator layer (parting) and so on.

Free burning coalcoal that is not clumpy (non caking coal).

Free pertique documents on eligibility and health for ships and crew.

swelling index
index free breeding, equal to crucible swelling number (CSN) (see crucible swelling number).

FSIstands for free swelling index (see free swelling index).

Fugitive dust
fine materials that cannot fly with gas through the chimney and become materials floating with the air due to wind pressure.

Also dust coming from open-pit coal mines or from reclamation activities. Fusain
is derived from the Latin fusus meaning gelundung, a coal material with appearance and structuressuch as wood charcoal, fragile, incarnate and generally containing high ash.

Fusain consists mainly of fusite and is one of the four coal maceral forming materials. it is found in the form of a wide layer and lens in humik coal, spread widely but in small amounts.

Geotechnical TestingGeotechnical Studies conducted during the planning and operation of open-pit coal mines.

Some of the more common subjects for geotechnical tests are: soil stability, rock stability and strength, groundwater, sedimentation control.

Highwall The deepest part of the mine perimeter is open.

In Situ CoalCoal found in its natural state before mining.

Load Outs The facility consists of storage silos, heavy meters and conveyors used to load coal onto train units.

Longwall mining
The automatic form of underground coal mining is characterized by high recovery and extraction rates, feasible done only in relatively flat, thick, and uniform coalbeds.

A high-powered cutting machine passes through the entire surface of the coal, pushing away the crushed coal, which is constantly dragged by the floor-level conveyor system.

Open Pit MiningA common form of mining in Western Canada involves special mobile fleet equipment for drilling, explosion, loading and transporting large volumes of rock and coal.

PCI Coal Pulverized Coal Injection.

Product Coal Specifications
Negotiating maximum and minimum values for ASH, VOLATILE, FIXED CARBON, SULFUR, TOTAL MOISTURE and FREE SWELLING INDEX are usually defined on coking coal sales contracts.

Coking coal is usually sold with "Free on Board" based on its meaning to port terminal sellers where it is often tested by independent laboratories for the above specifications. Variants beyond the specifications of the contract may result in fines or in extreme cases the rejection of purchase by the buyer.
Room-and-pillar mining The most common method is mainly from underground mining where the roof of the mine is supported by the remaining coal pillars periodically.

Rooms are places where coal is mined, pillars are the remaining coal areas between rooms. Room-and-pillar mining is done either with conventional or continuous mining.

Run of Mine ( Raw ) Coal Mined coal available for or shipped to processing plant.

coal run of mine that is, coal mining results that have not undergone further process (but may already be clean and only need to be snared and filtered). Sedimentation Ponds This
is a man-made pond built to capture and maintain surface drainage so that sediment in drainage can settle at the bottom of the pond and not be dumped into times or rivers.

They are usually placed in strategic locations around open-pit waste disposal mines to guard against increased sedimentation around waterways.

Specific Gravity ( Rock & Coal ) Density or weight of rock and coal types are important in the operation and design of processing plants where solid liquid media is often used to separate coal and rock mixtures.

The weight of the type is also applied to the volume in the calculation of coal reserves where the relationship between ash content and type weight is often applied.

Strip RatioStripping ratio is the most influential economic factor in the evaluation and planning of open-pit coal mines.

This is the volume of rock both above and inside (parting) the coal seam stated in the Bank Cubic Metres (BCMS) which must be mined to obtain 1 ton of raw or clean coal. Stripping Ratio of clean coal shows more mining performance because it includes the expected performance of mine processing plants. Sulfur Sulfur coal occurs in three forms: organic, sulfate, and pyrotechtic.

Organic sulfur is an integral part of the coal matrix and cannot be removed by conventional physical separation. Sulphur sulfate is usually ignored. Pyritic sulfur occurs as pyrite and marcasite minerals, larger sizes can generally be eliminated by cleaning coal. Swell Factors Blasting
of waste volume, measured in bank cubic meters, is carried out to produce materials capable of being loaded into transport trucks.

Swell Factors is applied to rock blasting to adjust the volume increase when it explodes.

Tailings Unwanted rock particles are removed during coal processing.

Tailings Ponds Theman-made structure contains tailings waste as well as water and is designed to allow tailings particles to settle at the bottom of the pond.

Underground Mining Underground coal mining involves special equipment that is usually limited to digging in roofs as well as coal seam floorsmined leaving coal areas or pillars to support mining operations from within caving.

Wash ( Processing) Plants Coal power plants separate mined coal into different size categories and mix them with water that applies different mechanical processes as well as equipment to separate coal from high coal or coal ash particles.

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