
Underground Machine

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Underground Heavy Equipment Used in Mining Areas

In the mining area the main thing to do is the transport of mining goods which in the process is to remove the proceeds of mining goods out of the mining area that is in the soil or the land. For this mining area that needs tools to be able to remove mining goods that are in the ground, some of the tools needed are heavy equipment. This machine used is a type of underground machine.

Therefore, the following are underground machine types used for mining:

  • Overshoot Loader

overshoot loader

It is a payload tool that works by pushing the bucket into the material stack to the full. then the bucket is lifted backwards to pass through its engine and spills the payload onto the transporter behind it without turning the loading device.

  • Gathering Arm Loader

Gathering mining loader

Gathering Arm Loader ini adalah alat berat yang sering digunakan pada pertambangan batu bara, pada bagian depan alat ini dilengkapi dengan  dengan alat penggumpal material yang bertumpuk kemudian didorong menuju belt conveyor yang berada dibelakang, selanjutnya ke alat angkut berikutnya, dilengkapi dengan klaurel dan digerakkan dengan tenaga listrik.

Untuk Sebuah alat berat jenis loader juga dikenal sebagai: loader bucket, loader depan, front end loader, payloader, loader sendok, sekop, lompat loader, dan atau wheel loader adalah jenis traktor, biasanya roda, kadang-kadang pada trek, yang memiliki sebuah front dipasang ember lebar persegi terhubung ke akhir dua booming (senjata) untuk mengangkat material dari tanah, seperti debu, pasir atau kerikil.

  • Scraper


Scraper merupakam jenis alat berat yang berfungsi untuk mengeruk, mengangkut, dan menabur tanah hasil pengerukan secara berlapis. Scraper dapat digunakan sebagai alat pengangkutan untuk jarak yang relatif jauh kurang lwbih 2000 m pada tanah datar dengan alat penggerak roda ban. Dalam pemilihan scraper untuk beberapa jenis pekerjaan ini tergantung pada Karakteristik material yang dioperasikan, Panjang jarak tempuh, Kondisi jalan, atau  juga alat bantu yang diperlukan.

Scrapers are generally classified by type, towed scrapers, motorized scrapers and self loading scrapers. Towed scrapers are generally retractable crawler tractors with engine power of 300 hp or more. This type of scraper can hold as much as 8 – 30 cubic m of material.

  • Continuous Miner

Continuous Miner

The next underground machine is continuous Miner, it serves to think of new embers from the walls below the ground continuously. The machine is equipped with a large jagged iron drum that rotates during tool operation. The power in this tool can mine about 5 tons of coal per minute. Much larger than the production done manually by mine workers in the 1920s who had to do mining for a day to be able to mine as much as 5 tons.

  • Haul Truck Underground Mining

Haul Truck Underground Mining

One of the underground mine loading and unloading equipment which is a combination of front end loader with Dump Truck. The type and mechanism of action is almost similar to that of a truck in an open-pit mine but in a smaller form. Because it is compatible with the area of operation.

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